Tag Archives: Section 1983

Sixth Circuit: Foster Parents Can Enforce Right to Foster Care Payments Under Federal Law

A unanimous panel of the Sixth Circuit held today in D.O., et al. v. Glisson that the Child Welfare Act creates a private right to foster-care maintenance payments enforceable by a foster parent under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.  The CWA provides for federal foster care and adoption assistance to eligible states.  To be eligible, a state … Continue Reading

Sixth Circuit Resurrects Inadequate Training Lawsuit Against Private Prison Contractor

Earlier this month, in Shadrick v. Hopkins Cnty., a divided panel of the Sixth Circuit reversed the district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of a private for-profit corporation hired to provide services to Kentucky inmates, holding that the mother of an inmate who died from an untreated MRSA infection after three days of incarceration … Continue Reading