Nearly two years ago, we commented on the increasing frequency with which federal courts of appeals issue per curiam, and often short and unsigned, opinions. Specifically, we noted that the use of such opinions had increased significantly 2013, year over year. This increase was consistent with the general modern trend toward per curiam opinion. This … Continue Reading
We have previously reported on the Sixth Circuit’s caseload and the trend toward the use of unpublished opinions. We’ve discussed that the number of published decisions per judge, the opinions that are the most important to create precedent, are fairly consistent throughout all circuits. But the latest statistics show an interesting trend toward the use … Continue Reading
In John B v Goetz (pdf), the Sixth Circuit refused to vacate a consent decree that required Tennessee to provide various medical screening, diagnostic and treatment services to over a half million children under the Medicaid statute. Tennessee argued that Gonzaga University v. Doe, 536 U.S. 273 (2002), compelled the conclusion that the statute does … Continue Reading