Tag Archives: Ohio Supreme Court

The Ohio Supreme Court Updates its Writing Manual

Last week, the Ohio Supreme Court published a new and improved writing manual.  The Third Edition is “a comprehensive guide . . . designed to improve the readability of opinions issued by, and briefs filed in,” Ohio’s courts.  The unquestionable headline is that the new manual abandons the cumbersome triple-parallel-citation format of old in favor of citing … Continue Reading

Sixth Circuit Declines to Enjoin Ohio’s Code of Judicial Conduct

In a published decision on Wednesday, the Sixth Circuit affirmed an Ohio district court’s denial of a preliminary injunction against the state’s Judicial Code of Conduct in Ohio’s upcoming Supreme Court elections. Joseph Platt, a former Ohio Supreme Court candidate, sought an injunction against the Code’s prohibition on his openly endorsing other candidates, personally and … Continue Reading

SCOTUS To Hear Ohio Case, Decide Whether Mandatory Reporters Are “Agents of Law Enforcement” Under Confrontation Clause

We posted previously on some Sixth Circuit cases that will get attention from the Supreme Court this term.  In addition to those, the Supreme Court granted cert last week in another case of interest from within the Circuit – the Ohio Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision in Ohio v. Clark, which held that a preschooler’s identification … Continue Reading