The Sixth Circuit has been in the national media spotlight following last Thursday’s high-profile decision upholding same-sex marriage bans in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. See Opinion (6th Cir. Case Nos. 14-1341; 3057; 3464; 5291; 5297; 5818). We covered the Sixth Circuit’s decision here only hours after it was decided. The Court’s decision is the first … Continue Reading
Major news coming out of the Sixth Circuit today. In a landmark (but divided) ruling, the Sixth Circuit has upheld same-sex marriage bans in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. See Opinion (6th Cir. Case Nos. 14-1341; 3057; 3464; 5291; 5297; 5818). As we previously have covered, district courts in each of these four states had ruled … Continue Reading
Earlier this morning, the U.S. Supreme Court denied seven cert petitions from five states, including Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Indiana, seeking review of rulings from the Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth Circuits striking down bans on same-sex marriage. The High Court’s timing is uncanny because it was exactly two months ago today (August 6) that … Continue Reading
During the last five days, a media spotlight has been cast on the Sixth Circuit as legal pundits and observers try to dissect last Wednesday’s oral arguments in the same-sex marriage appeals before the Court. The three-judge panel which heard the appeals included Judges Martha Craig Daughtrey of Tennessee, Jeffrey Sutton of Columbus, and Deborah … Continue Reading
As we reported two weeks ago, the Sixth Circuit is gearing up to hear no less than five appeals tomorrow in the battle over same-sex marriage. The Court is expecting such a large crowd that it has issued a notice to the public and the media concerning the oral arguments and has designated two overflow … Continue Reading
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 will be a high-profile day at the Sixth Circuit as the Court will hear arguments in five appeals in the battle over same-sex marriages. Below are the cases on the Court’s calendar: DeBoer, et al. v. Snyder, et al., Case No. 14-1341: An appeal from a March 21, 2014 order by … Continue Reading
As you know from our recent coverage, Judge Bernard A. Friedman of the Eastern District of Michigan entered an order late in the day on Friday, March 21, 2014 striking down Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage as violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. See Judgment, DeBoer, et al. v. Snyder, et al., … Continue Reading
This past Sunday, we reported on how the Sixth Circuit had acted swiftly in issuing a temporary stay of last Friday’s order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman of the Eastern District of Michigan which struck down Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage. See Judgment, DeBoer, et al. v. Snyder, et al., Case No. 12-cv-10285 (E.D. Mich.). … Continue Reading
As we reported this past week, Judith Ellen Levy was sworn in on Tuesday as the first openly gay federal judge in the Sixth Circuit. Levy was nominated by President Obama back on July 25, 2013 to serve as a U.S. District Court Judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan … Continue Reading
It’s the first day of Spring at the Sixth Circuit, and the new season promises new skirmishes in the ongoing legal battles over same-sex marriages. Last month, we reported on the plaintiffs’ request in Obergefell, et al. v. Wymyslo, et al. (6th Cir. Case No. 14-3057), seeking expedited briefing and argument in their high-profile case … Continue Reading
How will the Sixth Circuit rule on the high-profile issue of whether the State of Ohio constitutionally is required to recognize, on an Ohio resident’s death certificate, a same-sex marriage that was lawfully performed in another state? We may find out sooner rather than later. On Valentine’s Day, the plaintiffs in Obergefell, et al. v. … Continue Reading