This post provides the latest statistics for a question we are frequently asked: what is the chance of obtaining a reversal on appeal. Private civil cases see the most reversals of any category at 13.4%, followed by appeals in bankruptcy and civil appeals involving the United States at 12.5%. In other words, the circuit reverses … Continue Reading
The latest statistics on unpublished opinions show an important trend between the circuits. Across all circuits, 86% of written opinions are unpublished. That means they are not precedential, so they do not create circuit law. And most of those unpublished opinions, 69% of them in 2022, were also unsigned. The Sixth Circuit mirrors the general … Continue Reading
A unanimous panel of the Sixth Circuit held today in D.O., et al. v. Glisson that the Child Welfare Act creates a private right to foster-care maintenance payments enforceable by a foster parent under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The CWA provides for federal foster care and adoption assistance to eligible states. To be eligible, a state … Continue Reading