Tag Archives: Cook

Sixth Circuit In National Media Spotlight Following Last Week’s Marathon Oral Arguments In Same-Sex Marriage Appeals

During the last five days, a media spotlight has been cast on the Sixth Circuit as legal pundits and observers try to dissect last Wednesday’s oral arguments in the same-sex marriage appeals before the Court.  The three-judge panel which heard the appeals included Judges Martha Craig Daughtrey of Tennessee, Jeffrey Sutton of Columbus, and Deborah … Continue Reading

Sixth Circuit Same-Sex Marriage Appeals Generating National Interest; Media Turning to Sixth Circuit Appellate Blog For Insight And Analysis

As we reported two weeks ago, the Sixth Circuit is gearing up to hear no less than five appeals tomorrow in the battle over same-sex marriage.  The Court is expecting such a large crowd that it has issued a notice to the public and the media concerning the oral arguments and has designated two overflow … Continue Reading