Tag Archives: appellate statistics

Sixth Circuit Continues to Decrease Time for Resolution of Appeals

Last fiscal year, the Sixth Circuit terminated 2,638 appeals on the merits, ranking its caseload fifth among the federal circuits by this metric. Not surprisingly, this correlates with the Circuit’s average case resolution time of 9.8 months from the filing of notice of appeal to final order or disposition, which makes it the fourth-longest resolution … Continue Reading

Class Action Defendants Are Winning On Appeal – Surprising Statistics on Class Actions In The Sixth Circuit

We have covered a number of important Sixth Circuit decision on class actions over the past year, including as Randleman v. Fidelity National Title Ins. Co. and Dealer Computer Services, Inc. v. Dub Herring Ford.  Though a small percentage of the court’s docket, such cases often have an outsize effect on both precedent within the … Continue Reading