Tag Archives: Amicus Curiae

The Effect of the Amicus Brief

We have, on multiple occasions, addressed the significance (or insignificance) of the amicus curiae or “friend of the court” brief. Our previous discussion here, here, and here have largely revealed that, while the briefs are submitted in many of the headline-grabbing cases, the effects of the briefs written and submitted by the amici are often … Continue Reading

En Banc Briefing Complete, Oral Argument Approaches in Michigan Affirmative Action Appeal

This post is the Sixth Circuit Appellate Blog’s latest update and analysis in a series that has been tracking developments in the ongoing, blockbuster appeal involving Michigan Proposal 2. Last summer, a divided panel of the Sixth Circuit struck down as unconstitutional Proposal 2, which prohibited Michigan’s public colleges and universities from granting “preferential treatment … Continue Reading