Just over a year ago, we examined the propensity of the Sixth Circuit to uphold district courts’ decisions to grant summary judgment for employers in cases tagged as “Labor & Employment” cases. As can be seen in our 2014 review, the Sixth Circuit upheld 60% of summary judgment decisions in favor of the employer. We … Continue Reading
As we previously reported here and here, the Sixth Circuit recently affirmed two jury verdicts totaling over $1 million. These decisions stoked our curiosity about the Court’s treatment of significant jury verdicts. So, without conducting a scientific study, I reviewed the Court’s decisions over the past two years, wherein a verdict exceeding $1 million was … Continue Reading
The Sixth Circuit consistently has a high percentage of dissenting opinions – about twice the average of the other circuits. I briefly noted this when comparing the circuits in my response to a recent New York Times article. This post takes a look at some patterns in the dissenting rates of the twelve Sixth Circuit … Continue Reading