Squire Patton Boggs is excited to welcome Ben Glassman back to the firm as a partner in the Cincinnati and Columbus offices. As recently reported in the Cincinnati Enquirer, Ben joins after serving as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio from 2016 to 2019.

At least as important for readers of the Sixth Circuit Appellate Blog, Ben served as the appellate chief for that office for nearly a decade–from 2007 to 2016. Ben has argued more than 100 cases (including 2 en bancs) before the Sixth Circuit, and represented the USA as counsel of record in hundreds more. He also represented the Sixth Circuit on DOJ’s appellate practice working group and currently sits on the Sixth Circuit’s Rules Advisory Committee.

This move is a homecoming: Ben served as an associate in the SPB Cincinnati office in the mid-2000s before joining the US Attorney’s office. Before private practice, he graduated from Harvard Law School and clerked for SDOH Judge Susan Dlott and Sixth Circuit Judge Ronald Lee Gilman.