Tag Archives: Mold

Sixth Circuit Re-Affirms Certification of Liability-Only Class of Consumers

In a decision sure to reverberate among the class action bar, the Sixth Circuit recently re-affirmed the certification of a liability-only class of Ohio consumers, despite the Supreme Court’s directive that it reconsider its previous affirmation of the same class in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Comcast v. Behrend,133 S. Ct. 1426 … Continue Reading

Sixth Circuit Denies Whirlpool’s En Banc Petition in Front Loading Washer Case

The Sixth Circuit yesterday entered an order denying Whirlpool Corporation’s en banc petition seeking review of a May 4, 2012 panel decision affirming class certification in a multi-district litigation involving alleged design defects leading to mold and mildew in certain front-load washing machines made by Whirlpool and sold to Ohio consumers.  See Opinion, In re … Continue Reading