Tag Archives: jury verdict

Sixth Circuit Reinstates $15.6 Million Damage Award

On Friday, the Sixth Circuit reinstated a $15.6 million jury verdict awarded to Cranpark, Inc. in its promissory estoppel suit against Rogers Group, Inc. (“RGI”). In 1998, representatives from RGI and James Sabatine, the owner of Hardrives Paving and Construction, Inc. (“Hardrives”), for whom Cranpark is the successor-in-interest, met to discuss a possible joint venture … Continue Reading

Sixth Circuit Vacates Jury’s Verdict and Award of $2 Million in Punitive Damages

In The Heil Co. v. Evanston Insurance Co. (No. 11-6252), the Sixth Circuit vacated a jury’s verdict and its award of $2 million in punitive damages in favor of The Heil Company.  The lawsuit arose out of Evanston Insurance Company’s defense of a wrongful death suit brought against Heil.  Heil sued Evanston in 2008 for Evanston’s … Continue Reading