Tag Archives: Contempt

Bankruptcy’s Automatic Stay Does Not Shield a Debtor Who Tortiously Uses His Property

To a business litigator, the bankruptcy debtor’s most effective weapon is often the automatic stay, which is commonly used – or abused, depending on the perspective – to, inter alia, stay all pending litigation against the debtor and keep him in sole control of an asset, despite seeming abuses of that control. A recent decision … Continue Reading

On Arbor Day 2011, Remembering How One Lonely Tree Helped Define the Scope of Judicial Power in the Sixth Circuit.

Tomorrow, April 29, is Arbor Day, a holiday on which we are encouraged to plant and care for trees.  That makes the Sixth Circuit’s recent decision involving an old tree in suburban Columbus, Ohio all the more timely.  What follows is the tale of this special tree, along with the Sixth Circuit’s decision which has … Continue Reading